Welcome to the first of Dynamic Fitness & Strength's monthly newsletters. It's our way to keep you quickly up-to-date on news, product info, and resources. Below will be quick info and links should you want to learn more. Feel free to message us if there's something you'd like to see here, and we hope you'll share this with others!

Getting Back in the Game
That's right. 2021 promises to be the year we all get back into the game and prepare for what we hope to be a full and active seasons of athletic conditioning and sports. We'll be here to help you prepare as our Dynamic team ramps up what we can offer you to help you be at the top of your game.
Expect more educational resources for coaches and fitness professionals, new and updated products, and more ways to connect and interact with our amazing team. We'll keep you up-to-date each month with the latest news.

Join the monthly live conversations during our Dynamic Discussions
Starting February 3rd and at the beginning of each month, join Joe Kenn and Dynamic Team members for authentic discussions designed to introduce and expose coaches to some of the most unique expertise and experience in the business. These discussions will range from room layout, room design, programming, equipment, and often “Big House” chopin’ it up about current topics in our field.
Be sure to send us your questions that you would like to see discussed. The Dynamic Discussion begins streaming at 7:00 P.M. EST / 6:00 PM CST.

60 Second Strength Coach
Have you checked out Coach Kenn's regular blog series? He covers a wide range of topics focused both on coaching and on strength and conditioning routines. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified of each new installment, and check out the full blog postings on our website.

2021 Promises to Be a Dynamic Year
By Craig Sowers, Vice President, Sales
As we start the new year off, our team at Dynamic Fitness and Strength continues to be dedicated to building strong, long-lasting relationships in our industry. We are passionate about giving back to the profession that has given so much to all of us for so long. Although 2020 had its challenges for everyone, we had a very exciting year at Dynamic Fitness and Strength and are looking forward to a great 2021 and the strong future of our company.
The addition of Joe Kenn, Carlo Alvarez, Kevin Yoxall, Bryce Karasiak, James Peters, and myself to the already amazing team at Dynamic Fitness and Strength, showed how serious and dedicated our ownership is to our success. With these additions, our focus now becomes the entire education market. Allowing us to take what we have learned over the last two and a half decades and turn it into an amazing customer experience at the high school, college, college recreation, and professional level.
Coming on in May, I was able to watch the brand-new paint line be assembled at Headquarters, now making it possible to have our entire team in one 260,000 sq ft facility in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This last step not only brought the entire Dynamic team under one roof, but it was also the last step needed to bring together one of the top industry-leading, state-of-the-art facilities in the country, allowing us to offer you the best equipment in the business.
Although our newly-assembled team still has a lot to learn about one another, It has been exciting to watch those who laid the foundation at Dynamic Fitness and Strength embrace and support the newcomers. With the addition of 6 people this year, our team has now grown to a total of 52 employees, all dedicated to supporting your needs. Be on the lookout for more big additions in 2021. The combination of these two groups has opened a new pathway of thought and the door to creative collaboration resulting in current equipment refinement, as well as the design of new equipment.
Our dedication to serve coaches starts with our relationships, customer service, quality and value. Our support begins with certain Dynamic Core Values like Communication, Continuous Improvement, and Customer Satisfaction. Our core values, along with key relationships in the industry, allow us to bring you the best equipment in the business at a great price.
At Dynamic Fitness and Strength, we realize the impact that coaches can make on the lives of the athletes they train. We are dedicated to listening to your needs to ensure we build first-class products that help you and your athletes succeed. Coaches, athletes, and technology are constantly progressing, which creates new needs, giving us new insights that will ultimately lead to new products. We will stay open and flexible to the needs of the market and coaches because we understand that it is important to actively create opportunities for diverse points of view to collide. The only constant is change!
We look forward to you meeting our team and welcome all of you to come to Eau Claire for a visit at Dynamic Headquarters, we would love to show you what we have to offer and see firsthand what sets us apart.