Joe Kenn | Vice President of Education and Performance
The majority of strength training programs that are being done on the high school and college levels are either based on a 3-day per week or 4-day per week training plan. How those sessions are organized is based on the philosophy and methods of the coach who is developing the plan. To say one way is better than another is a debate that I believe has little value. Teams have been extremely successful regardless of how they train. Recruiting and culture, combined with a structured training plan implemented with a commitment from the staff and players will all help lead to on field success.
My belief is that a 3-day per week Whole Body training approach is the most efficient way to train athletes. Whole body training allows us to train the entire body in a single session. This is very similar to the what the body is exposed to in a specific sporting practice. By training your priority strength training session in a Monday-Wednesday-Friday rotation allows for more time to be emphasized in other metrics needed to develop the athlete.
By creating general categories of movement allows us to strategically place exercises in a session to create variety and a whole-body training session. The three categories we utilize are, Total Body, Lower Body, and Upper Body movements. By performing at least one exercise per category creates what we call a whole-body session.